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What are the Mistakes You Need to Avoid While Installing Attic Insulation?

Try avoiding these below mentioned common mistakes while newly installing or replacing an attic insulation material.

It’s paramount and quintessential that you install attic insulation in order to reduce or control the energy usage in your home. In fact, it helps cut down your cooling costs to a significant level in the hot summer months. But, you also need to be aware of the most common mistakes that any sub-stand insulation company performs while newly installing or replacing the attic insulation material. When you hire the professional services of Attic Wizard, you can be rest assured that such common, yet crucial mistakes would be avoided at all costs, as we have experienced and qualified professionals for the job. For achieving the best energy-saving results, you should avoid these silly mistakes during the process of insulation installation at your attic or home:

Covering the Lights

Are there lights in your attic? You should avoid covering them during insulation installation. For ideal results ensure that you leave at least four inches between the lights and the insulation. When you cover the lights with fiberglass or blown cellulose insulation you are at great danger of causing fire. This is because the insulation can get very hot thus catching fire.

Not Filling Gaps

Gaps in the insulation tend to increase your electricity bills. The bills are particularly high during summer and winter. To lower the bills you should seal all the gaps. This calls for you to go up the attic and take a look at how the insulation is done. For ideal results, it’s wise that you ask a professional attic insulation contractor like us, to fill the gaps for you.

Covering Vents

Vents play a major role in ensuring that cool air enters the house especially during winter. The cool air aids in contracting the hot and humid air that is produced in your home. This prevents the growth of mold and mildew. If you are the one who is insulating the attic you should be cautious that you don’t cover the vents.

Not Securing the Insulation

Over time the insulation material gathers moisture which makes it heavy. If it’s not well secured it will most likely fall or roll over which will cost you more money to reinstall it. To be on the safe side you should ensure that you properly secure the insulation when installing it. All of these mistakes can be avoided, when you partner with a local company like us that have years of project experience in the exclusive domain of attic & crawl space insulation services.