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When to Opt for a Professional Insulation Removal

Know when it is actually required to go ahead with an insulation removal in Los Angeles at your residence.

Removing attic insulation from your home becomes necessary to ensure that you get the desired level of comfort at your home. Now, if you are looking to remove insulation from your home in LA, then you can always get the help of professional insulation contractors like Attic Wizard. But the million dollar question is, when should you call us to get your old insulation removed? Let us take a look into some of the signs that tell you to call our professionals for an inspection, and subsequent removal.

When to Remove an Old Insulation?

The first thing that you should determine is whether you need or don’t need to remove your attic insulation in the first place. Here are some of the signs that tell you it’s time to think about the job.

1. Your Insulation is Past Its Prime: One of the biggest reasons why you need to replace your insulation is that it has gone past its age. Different insulation has different ages, so if your insulation has gone past its prime, it would be time to replace it.

2. Your Insulation is Damaged: Rodents, pests, mold or even natural elements can damage the insulation. So, you need to check it. If the damage is extensive, then you would need to replace it. If you are feeling drafts or the energy bills are rising without any apparent reason, then you would need to remove your old insulation and get a new one in its place.

Can You Do it Yourself (DIY)?

Well, you can, in certain cases. The first thing that you would need to do is to think about whether you have the right skills and are willing to invest in the right equipment. You would need to have a sufficient amount of skill and the right equipment to remove attic insulation in the right way. Apart from that, you might want to get the help of a professional attic insulation company in the following cases.

1. There is Asbestos – You would need to check whether your insulation has asbestos. A lot of homes in Los Angeles, built in the 1970s or earlier, might have asbestos. If it does, then you would need to get the help from the experts.

2. You have blown-in insulation– Removing blown-in insulation would require industrial vacuum and that would be expensive. On top of that, removing such insulation and disposing of the material would be hassling.

These are some of the situations when you need to call professionals like us for a complete insulation removal at your residence. Avail our highly professional services and achieve the desired levels of comfort at your home, as well as in the attic or loft space.